
Extending practically throughout the natural region of Entre-Douro and Minho, the Demarcated Region of Vinhos Verdes produces wines that occupy a prominent position among Portuguese wines, due to their unmistakable characteristics. There are nine sub-regions that make up this demarcated region, the Ponte de Lima Wine Cellar being located in the sub-region of Lima.

The most important red varieties of the Ponte de Lima winery are Vinhão, Borraçal, Espadeiro, constituents of Vinho Verde Tinto. Vinho Verde Vinho is exclusively produced with grapes of the same variety. In the white grapes stands the Loureiro, a predominant caste in the range of white green wines from the Cellar of Ponte de Lima, Trajadura and Arinto

Naturally gassy (with needle), which impresses them nice freshness, green wines are generally low grade. In the specific case of the Ponte de Lima Wine Cellar, the ranking of its wines varies between 9.5% and 12%. The freshness of these wines is mainly due to their high fixed acidity and the natural carbon dioxide they contain.

The red wines have a red ruby ​​color, red foam and a certain astringency. The whites are citrus colored, with a fine, fruity and delicate aroma. Traditionally they are dry, but they also prepare themselves slightly sweet.

White breeds

White breeds

Loureiro: High quality caste, recommended in much of the Demarcated Region. Of great cultivation area, it comes from Ribeira-Lima. Very productive, it gives rise to wines with an accentuated aroma of caste, harmonious and tasty. The clusters of the Loureiro variety are large and not very compact, while the berries are medium in uniform size and yellowish or greenish in color. In addition to producing wines “monovarietales” (a single caste) is often combined with the varieties Trajadura and Arinto.

Arinto: Quality breeding, recommended in much of the Demarcated Region. Of great area of cultivation, it comes from the interior of the region. Very productive, it gives rise to wines with a chaste aroma, balanced and harmonious.

Trajadura: Quality breeding, recommended in much of the Demarcated Region. Of area of cultivation in great extension. Productive, it gives origin to wines with delicate and little accentuated aroma.

White varieties

Red varieties

Vinhão: High quality caste, recommended in much of the Demarcated Region. As the only regional dyer caste, it is the most expanded in the region. From average production, it gives rise to wines of ruby red color, vinous, full bodied, harmonious and tasty.

Borraçal: High quality caste, recommended in much of the Demarcated Region. It is widely disseminated. Productive and rustic, it gives rise to ruby red wines, with a chaste aroma, balanced, harmonious and tasty.

Espadeiro: High quality caste, recommended in much of the Demarcated Region. Very productive and rustic, it gives rise to ruby red wines, with a chaste aroma.

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